All Sermons
Title | Date | Audio | Video | Type | Presenter | Theme |
Christ and Culture, Christ in Culture | 05/14/2023 | Sermon |
Pastor Derek King |
Culture Sharing Your Faith |
I Have Called You By Name | 04/30/2023 | Sermon |
Pastor Derek King |
Isaish Walking with God |
On the Road | 04/23/2023 | Sermon |
Pastor Pastor Dianne Schmidt |
Emmaus Journey with Jesus |
God in Our Doubts | 04/16/2023 | Sermon |
Pastor Derek King |
Doubting Thomas Doubts Walking with God |
Filled with Fear and Joy | 04/09/2023 | Sermon |
Pastor Derek King |
Fear Joy Lent |
Who is This? | 04/02/2023 | Sermon |
Pastor Derek King |
Easter Lent Palm Sunday Who Is Jesus? |
Called to Life | 03/26/2023 | Sermon |
Pastor Dianne Schmidt |
Lazarus Lent Mary and Martha |
Theology of Play | 02/12/2023 | Sermon |
Pastor Derek King |
Ordinary time |
January 22, 2023 Worship Sermon | Sermon |
Pastor Derek King |
January 15, 2023 Worship Sermon | 01/15/2023 | Sermon |
Tim Schrag |